Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Job or a Ministry?

Some people have a JOB in the church;
Others involve themselves in a MINISTRY.

What is the difference?

If you are doing it because no one else will, it's a job.
If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a ministry.
If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a job.
If you keep on serving, it's ministry.

If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was a job.
If you stay with it even though nobody recognized your efforts, it's ministry.
If you do it only as long as it does not interfere with other activities, it's a job.
If you are committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it's ministry.

The average church is filled with people doing jobs.
A great church is filled with people involved in ministry.
If GOD calls you to ministry, don't treat it like a job.
If you have a job, consider giving it up to find a ministry.
GOD wants people who are excited and faithful to HIM in ministry.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The definition of leadership in the Bible is far different from that in the world:

   1. Leadership is not a role - it's a function.
   2. Leadership is not a right - it's a responsibility.
   3. Leadership is not wielding authority - it's empowering people.
   4. Leadership is not winning popularity - it's influencing people.
   5. Leadership is not a gender, race, or age issue - it's service.