Saturday, August 13, 2011

Free Service


Is anything free now days? Has anything good ever been free?

Service is what will make a difference in our society. I am teaching about that in a Wednesday night Bible study. I would be glad to share some of that stuff with you if you think it could help you.

I know "love" will help the world. However, now days they have redefined “love." Service is love in action. Being a servant is leadership. Jesus said the “greatest” among you is a servant. I do not get the idea from Jesus’ life that he wanted us to be American “leaders” but real servants -- ministers -- care givers.

Many have encouraged me to be a better servant without cost or expectations in return. A few of them would be some ministers years ago in Wisconsin, a great church of our Lord in Oklahoma City, and a Savior who is the greatest Servant  of all.

That is my proposal to you. I am on a mission to empower Christians to be difference makers in their communities. I want to inspire and motivate the people I serve to be better ministers or servants. I want to encourage them and you with real stories that we can motivate to be servants. The greatest servant of all is Jesus -- our mission is to share that story with the world. All of us know people who serve. Rarely do they make it in the news. Even public servants have become all too self-serving to make a difference.

You know people who are serving in a Christlike way. People we name as leaders in a church bulletin but they are leaders in the realm that counts. We need servants in families, on jobs, in civic clubs, in churches, and everywhere. People who go to the nursing home to encourage, take food to people hurting, send cards to people in need or experiencing good times. There are those who serve and make a difference in society. They are truly the only ones who make a lasting difference.

I want to inspire you and you inspire me to be “The Servant’s Society.” First a society, community, and kinship of people with a common cause. This society is not primarily for our own good, which is self-service, but for the good of THE SERVANT. Therefore, we are the Servant’s society. Not a humanistic society but the creator’s society. Really life-changing people.

If you are a Christian, you are already part of the Servant’s society. Nevertheless, if I can serve you and you help me, then we could really encourage one another to be greater servants -- ministers -- care givers. Send me a story under 1,000 words. I can and plan to share some life examples with you who ask me to. If you would like to be on “The Servant’s Society” list, let me know and we will join in sharing inspiration for this journey of service. Then some day we can rest with the greatest of all servants.

You think about that!

Kevin Rayner

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